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Create content with Notion, Publish to profit with Oopy!
Oopy hosts secure websites with your content in Notion with membership and a paywall so that you can get paid without a hassle.
Build online course, blog or whatever you want to get paid
You can create every kind of content business with Notion. Oopy lets you customize almost everything on top of that.
Keep writing in Notion. Oopy will handle the rest.
Host performant website
Oopy hosts SEO friendly, performant website from your Notion page with security first in mind with customizations.
Manage membership
Anyone with an e-mail can be a member of your website with one-click. You can easily manage members in admin.
Get paid with Stripe
Which means you can use all of Stripe's powerful features. Even more, Oopy supports multiple levels of membership.
Host website with security first in mind
Oopy hosts websites from your Notion page with security first in mind. You don't have to make your content public. You can easily control who can get access to your content securely.
Customize everything as you wish
There are tons of pre-defined customization options like hide database properties, change font or enable/disable search. You can even go further with our
HTML edition feature. With that feature you can customize nearly everything.
Build flexible price strategy with Stripe
You can get paid with your Stripe account. Oopy supports subscription, onetime payment and coupon feature of Stripe. On top of that, we support multiple levels of membership with multiple prices so that you can maximize your profit with a flexible pricing strategy.
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